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The Competition

Writing Armistice is the British Army’s 2018 poetry competition, sponsored by the Museum of Military Medicine.


2018 is the year of national commemoration of the Armistice in World War One. We invite poets to respond to these events, or any subject matter inspired by Armistice and to send us their resulting poems. Please remember that you can find inspiration from national and local museums nationwide, including The Museum of Military Medicine and you are encouraged to explore our resource pack below to start you off.


Prizes are to be awarded in several categories for the best single poem exploring Armistice in any way (eg, thematically, linguistically, formally).


The Judge


Roy McFarlane is the author of the poetry collection ‘Beginning With Your Last Breath’, published by Nine Arches Press. He has held the position of Birmingham Poet Laureate and Starbucks Writer in Residence and is widely published in journals and anthologies. His webpage is at


How To Enter


The categories are:


Open Category – over 18s from anywhere in UK or overseas. Entry is free and you can make as many entries as you like.


Youth Category- 18 and under (on date of deadline) from anywhere in UK or overseas. Entry is free and you can make as many entries as you like.


Museum of Military Medicine Commendation – for the poem in either age category which best addresses aspects of military medicine and its contribution to human and animal healthcare.


Serving Soldier Prize – any entrant who is also serving in the British Army or Army Reserve is automatically eligible for a further prize category.


Enter the competition




Roy McFarlane, the judge, will announce the winners at a prize-giving ceremony in March 2018. The prizes awarded are generously sponsored by The Museum of Military Medicine by kind permission of the Regimental Associations of the Army Medical Services.


Open Category: £500 first prize, £300 second prize, £100 third prize plus additional commendations.


Youth Category: Book tokens to the value of £100 first prize, £50 second prize and further commendations prizes.


The Museum of Military Medicine Commendation: £100


Serving Soldier Prize: £200 first prize, £50 second prize and further commendation prizes.

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